It was a happy day for Port Moresby Technical College’s Mechanical Department (MFM), when Niu Power Limited donated the lathe equipment for the students practical training within the department.

Niu Power Company Limited was donating the lathe machine to Port Moresby Technical College for students’ practical training.

On Thursday, June 13, 2024, the academic principal, Mr. Jake Mitiam, and the principle, Mr. Henry Wamaingu, greeted the machine donation event at the college mess hall.

The principal, Mr. Waimangu, was delighted with the donation and praised the School of Mechanical Trades (MFM) Head of Department, Mr. Kasu, and the CEO of Niu Power Limited for enabling the department and Pomtech as a whole to improve their students’ learning.

The principal also acknowledges and thanks Niu Power Limited for donating the lathe machine to Port Moresby Technical College which that machine can improve the students learning experiences on how they can handle the machine to produce whatever they learn as this can be part of their on-job training by using the lathe machine.

The principal also stressed to the Pomtech MFM students who were present to witness the donation about the significance of the machine and how much the machine can create once the students are more specialized to it.

Mr. Michael Uiari, CEO of Niu Power Limited, the principal of the college, Mr. Henry Waimangu, the deputy college principal of academics, Mr. Jake Mitiam, the deputy chairman of the college’s governing council, Mr. Russell Wavik, and the Deputy Secretary of DHERST Quality Assurance, Mr. Tomo, cut the ribbon to officially hand over the machine to Pomtech. The MFM and MFW students of the Mechanical Trade department witnessed the cutting of the ribbon.