Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC)

Working in partnership with the Port Moresby Technical College (POMTECH), APTC’s PNG Country Office recently started the first ever delivery of the International Skills Training (IST) program to POMTECH training staff and one of our own Tutors, Veira Wade.

IST trainer, Raj Kapoor, visited PNG from APTC’s Regional Head Office in Fiji to start the program on 20 January, which was the first of 6 one-week blocks over the semester.

“As part of the APTC / POMTECH Partnership, TVET strengthening through staff capacity development is central to achieving a sustainable footprint within the Partnership. This program will refresh the already high level trainer skills that POMTECH trainers already possess and will provide them with a broader, and more global skill set in the delivery and assessment of competency-based training,” said APTC Country Director, Dr Brad Shaw.

Australian High Commission Papua New Guinea